Spumante Extra Brut Rosé Metodo Classico 2019
Spumante Extra Brut Rosé Metodo Classico 2019
Spumante Extra Brut Rosé Metodo Classico 2019
Spumante Extra Brut Rosé Metodo Classico 2019
reference: 102108


Spumante Extra Brut Rosé Metodo Classico 2019

Organic viticulture
Recommended by Moodique
18,29 € (Bruttopreis)
Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

It is fruity, creamy and refreshing, suited of delicious food pairing.

Format0,75 l
StilModerner und komplexer Sekt
Charakter besondereWein mit Klasse
RebenPinot nero
GebietOltrepò Pavese
Weinbauzertifizierter biologischer

Spumante Extra Brut Rosé Metodo Classico 2019

Frecciarossa’s Rosé Frecciarossa is an excellent traditional method sparkling wine produced in Oltrepò Pavese with only Pinot Noir. It is a rosé obtained by maceration, not by blending, indeed in this case it is not even a real maceration during fermentation but only a cold maceration before pressing the grapes. This guarantees finesse and freshness to the sip, but gives a characteristic fruity aroma and flavor to the wine. It is a complex and particularly elegant traditional method, suitable of being proposed as an aperitif or paired with meals. The grapes come from vineyards located in the first hills of Casteggio in the province of Pavia where the tradition of cultivating Pinot Noir for sparkling wine has over a century of history.

The grapes are harvested by hand in the morning. The only moment of color extraction from the skins takes place in the press with the natural weight of the grapes that crush the berries. After pressing, the pale pink free-run must is clarified and then fermented in steel vats at a controlled temperature. The second fermentation takes place in the bottle according to the traditional method and the aging on the lees lasts for 14 months. It is dosed with 3.5 g / l of sugars.


Farbe: leuchtendes zartes Rosa.
Duft: Rote Johannisbeere, Walderdbeere, Glyzinie, Gebäck, Muskatnuss, Orangenschale.
Geschmack: trocken, frisch, intensiv, cremig, würzig, anhaltend.


In sehr breiten tulpenförmigen Flûtes zu servieren. Er eignet sich nicht nur als Aperitif, sondern wird auch zu Lachshäppchen und Fischgerichten empfohlen.
Recommended with: wurstwaren, fisch.


aperitif, geschäftsessen, feier und galaabend, party, bei kerzenlicht.
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