Soave Classico 2021
Soave Classico 2021
Soave Classico 2021
Soave Classico 2021
Soave Classico 2021
Soave Classico 2021
reference: 102104


Soave Classico 2021

Soave DOC
Organic viticulture
Recommended by Moodique
12,65 € (Bruttopreis)
Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

It is the very idea of Soave Classico, crisp, fruity and savory, made with a simple vinification, respectful of the typicity of the grape variety and its territory.

Format0,75 l
StilJung und frisch
Charakter besondereWein der Tradition
RegionFriaul-Julisch Venetien
GebietTerre del Soave
Weinbauzertifizierter biologischer

Soave Classico 2021

Suavia’s Soave Classico is a paradigmatic expression of the Soave appellation. The adjective "Classico" in the appellation indicates the origin of the grapes from the oldest and most suitable hilly area. In fact, the vineyards extend on very steep hill slopes with dark volcanic soil, particularly in the areas of Fittà, Trementano and Castellaro. Here the Garganega grape is at ease and allows to obtain a wine with clean-cut fruity flavors, with a brisk and pronounced taste even with a low alcohol content. Soave Classico made by Suavia is therefore a very successful white wine: easy to drink and guaranteed satisfaction. And it is also very versatile for consumption occasions.

The grapes are harvested by hand. They are de-stemmed and pressed. Alcoholic fermentation takes place without any contact with the skins at a controlled temperature in stainless steel vats. A part of the wine also carries out malolactic fermentation. Finally the wine ages for a few months in steel in contact with its own lees and is bottled after a light filtration.


Farbe: Leuchtendes Strohgelb.
Duft: Limette, Birne, Apfel, Weißdorn, Feuerstein.
Geschmack: trocken, mittelkräftig, frisch, schmackhaft.


Wird in jungen Jahren entkorkt und in mittelgroßen Gläsern serviert. Passt hervorragend zu Sushi, Sashimi und Fischgerichten. Probieren Sie ihn auch als Aperitif mit einem Kegel aus in Teig gebratenem Gemüse.
Recommended with: sushi und roher fisch, vegetarische gerichte, meeresfrüchte, fisch.


aperitif, mitessen am familientisch, feier und galaabend, mit freunden, am pool.
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