Sicilia Zibibbo Gagliardetta 2022
Sicilia Zibibbo Gagliardetta 2022
Sicilia Zibibbo Gagliardetta 2022
Sicilia Zibibbo Gagliardetta 2022
reference: 103112

Curatolo Arini

Sicilia Zibibbo Gagliardetta 2022

Sicilia DOC
Recommended by Moodique
16,00 € (Bruttopreis)
Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

Stark duftende Nase, trockener und ausgewogener Geschmack.

Format0,75 l
Charakter besondereOriginal Wein
GebietSicilia occidentale

Sicilia Zibibbo Gagliardetta 2022

Gagliardetta is a dry aromatic white wine made from Moscato d'Alessandria grapes, also called Zibibbo. This vine variety is known above all as a sweet or passito wine, but in this case Curatolo Arina vinifies the fresh grapes in such a way as to make a dry white, with no residual sugar. The wine therefore stands out for the unmistakable aromas of Moscato grown in the Mediterranean climate of Sicily, but on the palate it is refreshing and lends itself to pairing with savory dishes such as speck, smoked salmon and bottarga. The grapes come from the province of Trapani in Contrata Gagliardetta at 350 meters above sea level.leuchtend grünlich-gelb.

The grapes are hand-picked slightly in advance in order to preserve acidity. They are cold macerated for 36 hours with the skins. They are then gently pressed and the free-run must ferments in stainless steel vats at a controlled temperature. The wine ages for a month in contact with its own lees.


Farbe: leuchtend grünlich-gelb.
Duft: Limette, Grapefruit, Orangenblüte, Salbei, Minze, weiße Rose, Akazie.
Geschmack: trocken, erfrischend, mittlerer Körper, Bergamotte im Abgang.


Hervorragend als Aperitif, aber auch in Kombination mit geräuchertem Fisch eine Überraschung.
Recommended with: wurstwaren, pilze, truffel, sushi und roher fisch, meeresfrüchte, fisch, frischkäse.


aperitif, mitessen am familientisch, feier und galaabend, mit freunden, am pool.
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