Sfursat di Valtellina 2019
reference: 102050


Sfursat di Valtellina 2019

Sforzato della Valtellina DOCG
Recommended by Moodique
36,69 € (Bruttopreis)
Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

Drying the grapes originates a concentrated and sumptuous wine with all the charm and the class of Nebbiolo.

Format0,75 l
StilReich und robust
Charakter besondereWein der Tradition
WeinbauIntegrierter Pflanzenschutz im
Raffinessegroßen Fässern

Sfursat di Valtellina 2019

Sfursat is the dialect name of "Sforzato": a wine produced after the grapes have dried in a drying room. This drying determines a concentration of sugars and other substances in the grapes due to the evaporation of the water. The resulting wine is therefore particularly rich and powerful. It is a passito wine, but Sforzato della Valtellina is a dry passito, as the alcoholic fermentation is completed by transforming all the sugars in the must into alcohol. Sfursat della Valtellina is produced with Nebbiolo grapes harvested in the terraces of the side of the valley facing south. In particular, the grapes of the highest terraces are used, over 400 meters and up to 650 meters, where ripening on the plant is not always easy, due to the lower temperatures that develop during the day. Nebbiolo also in the passito version does not lose its rigor and charm. Sforzato della Valtellina is a fascinating wine, excellent at meals with important meat dishes or with aged cheeses, but it can also be considered a meditation wine to be sipped after dinner in conversation in front of the fireplace or while smoking a cigar.

The grapes are left to dry for about two months in a suited room at 350 meters above sea level. They are then pressed and the must ferments with maceration on the skins. Subsequently, the wine ages in large oak barrels for about 20 months and is further aged in the bottle for at least a year.


Farbe: intensives Granatrot.
Duft: Pflaumen-, Himbeer- und Brombeerkonfitüre, Potpourri aus getrockneten Blumen, Gewürzen und Bergkräutern.
Geschmack: warm, samtig, robust, schmackhaft und anhaltend.


Servieren Sie ihn in großen Gläsern sowohl zu den Mahlzeiten als auch als Meditationswein.


besondere anlässe, weingeschenke, bei kerzenlicht, nach abendessen.
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