Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero
Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero
Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero
Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero
Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero
Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero
reference: 102196


Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero

Organic viticulture
25,19 € (Bruttopreis)
Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

A sharp and fragrant sulphite-free sparkling wine accompanied by the strength of the volcano

Format0,75 l
StilFrischer und duftender Sekt
Charakter besondereWein pop
RebenTrebbiano di soave 100%
GebietTerre del Soave
Weinbauzertifizierter biologischer
Raffinesse20 Monate in der Flasche auf dem Hefesatz

Opera semplice Dosaggio Zero

"Opera Semplice" is a product that comes from the ambitious recovery work that the Suavia winery has carried out on the ancient Trebbiano di Soave grape. Commitment, technique and respect for the territory are the basis of this label, a sharp and sulphurous wine with dried fruit and white pulp that is welcomed with enthusiasm and passion in the mouth.

The Simple Opera is a Zero Dosage Classic Method Sparkling Wine that comes from Trebbiano di Soave grapes grown with the guyot system. We are inside vineyards characterized by a subsoil of volcanic origin, dominated by a terraced profile, which follows the natural morphology of the hill. The bunches are harvested manually during the harvest in early September and are pressed entirely, without adding sulphites. The must ferments in steel containers at a controlled temperature of 15-16 degrees. The wine remains on the lees for 20 months.


Farbe: Strohgelb mit feiner Perlage.
Duft: geröstete Trockenfrüchte, Birne, Apfel, Hefen.
Geschmack: The fruity notes explode in a dry and sharp glass thanks to a tense acidity that gives cleanliness and grace to a wine of great freshness


Perfekt für raffinierte Aperitifs, kann aber auch 2/3 Jahre lang mit einer diskreten Entwicklung im Glas gelagert werden. Ideal zu Carpaccio aus Räucherlachs und gesalzener Bergbutter.
Recommended with: wurstwaren, sushi und roher fisch, fisch.


aperitif, mitessen am familientisch, mit freunden, am pool.
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