Mezzoemezzo aperitivo
    Mezzoemezzo aperitivo
    Mezzoemezzo aperitivo
    Mezzoemezzo aperitivo
    reference: 102008


    Mezzoemezzo aperitivo

    20,90 € (Bruttopreis)
    sofortige Verfügbarkeit

    The typical aperitif from Bassano, a tonic and stimulating liqueur to serve chilled. 

    Format1 l
    TipologyLiköre und Bitter

    Mezzoemezzo aperitivo

    Nardini’s Mezzoemezzo is a liqueur designed specifically for an aperitif, it is obtained with a blend of aromas that give it a refreshing and tantalizing taste. At the base of the aromas there are orange, absinthe, rhubarb, gentian, cinchona and vanilla appropriately dosed. The liqueur has a medium alcohol content and a harmonious and persistent taste.


    Farbe: Farbton Mahagoni.
    Duft: Rhabarber, Bitterorange, Gewürze.
    Geschmack: ausgeglichen und harmonisch.


    Mit Selters verdünnt oder in einem hohen, mit Eis gefüllten Becher servieren.
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