Massifitti 2018
Massifitti 2018
Massifitti 2018
Massifitti 2018
reference: 102103


Massifitti 2018

Verona IGT
Organic viticulture
Award-winning wine
Recommended by Moodique
16,68 € (Bruttopreis)
Zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

Trebbiano di Soave in the interpreter of a highly volcanic soil. The result is an outstanding wine.

Format0,75 l
StilJung und frisch
Charakter besondereWein mit Klasse
RebenTrebbiano di Soave
GebietTerre del Soave

Massifitti 2018

The Massifitti white wine highlights the characteristics of the land, it comes from a suited vineyard within the Soave appellation, the name is Fittà, one of the 29 Crus recognized as additional geographical units. In this case, however, it is an IGT wine produced with only Trebbiano di Soave grapes. Trebbiano di Soave is an indigenous grape variety that usually has a minor role in the blend of most of the wines produced in the province of Vicenza. From a genetic point of view, Trebbiano di Soave is nothing more than a clone of Verdicchio, one of the main Italian white grape varieties. In the Massifitti white wine, Trebbiano di Soave becomes the interpreter of the territory, in fact the wine has a unique taste thanks to this specific stony, calcareous soil, rich in basalt of volcanic origin with steeply sloping vineyards. It can be said that Massifitti derives from the commitment to interpret the Trebbiano di Soave grape variety in purity, thanks to a vineyard created on purpose, selecting and reproducing the old Trebbiano di Soave plants in a unique high-hill and particularly suitable area. The wine is put on the market only after at least two years and a half from the harvest, therefore it has an evolved and complex character even though it is vinified only in steel: it is only the time it takes for the vine to express itself in its entirety.

The harvest is manual in mid-September with very low yields. The whole bunches are gently pressed to extract a pure free-run must which ferments in stainless steel vats with only indigenous yeasts. Fermentation takes place at a low temperature and lasts for 15 days. At the end the wine ages in steel in contact with its lees for 15 months. Malolactic fermentation is prevented and the wine is bottled with a light filtration. It ages another year in the bottle before being offered on the market.


Farbe: leuchtend strohgelb.
Duft: Zitrusfrüchte, Pfirsich, tropische Früchte, Thymian, Myrte, Feuerstein.
Geschmack: trocken, mittelkräftig, saftig, intensiv, frisch und schmackhaft, sehr anhaltend.


Es ist ein außergewöhnlicher Wein, der zu vielen Gelegenheiten genossen werden kann. Probieren Sie ihn mit gegrilltem Hummer.
Recommended with: sushi und roher fisch, vegetarische gerichte, pizza, meeresfrüchte, fisch.


mitessen am familientisch, geschäftsessen, feier und galaabend, mit freunden, bei kerzenlicht.


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DoctorWine (D.Cernilli) DoctorWine (D.Cernilli) 92/100
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