Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone Le Pòggere 2021
    reference: 102093

    Falesco - Famiglia Cotarella

    Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone Le Pòggere 2021

    Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone DOC
    6,79 € (Bruttopreis)
    sofortige Verfügbarkeit

    The legendary wine of Montefiascone, with a dry and drinkable style.

    Format0,75 l
    StilJung und frisch
    Charakter besondereTäglicher Wein
    RebenRoscetto, Trebbiano, Malvasia
    GebietAlto Lazio

    Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone Le Pòggere 2021

    The Upper Lazio’s DOC Est! Est!! Est!!! di Montefiascone includes white wines produced from local grape varieties. The curious name refers to a medieval history. When Henry V had to travel to Rome to be crowned Holy Roman Emperor, he traveled with Bishop Defuk. The latter had his own manservant Martino precede the journey with the task of identifying places where good wine was served. The sign left by Martino was the writing "Est!" (in Latin "there is"). Arrived in Montefiascone Martino repeated the writing 3 times with the double and triple exclamation mark, so good was the wine tasted. At the end of the mission, Bishop Defuk decided not to return to Germany, but to live the rest of his life in Montefiascone, where he was later buried.

    Le Pòggere wine is a current version of that much loved wine by Bishop Defuk, produced by the Cotarella family, using the native Roscetto grape together with Trebbiano and Malvasia. It is fermented and aged in steel vats and is designed to be drunk in youth.


    Farbe: helles Strohgelb.
    Duft: Akazie, gelber Apfel, Pfirsich.
    Geschmack: mittelkräftig, ausgewogen, erfrischend.


    In der Jugend entkorkt werden. Probieren Sie es mit einem gebratenen Tintenfisch.
    Recommended with: vegetarische gerichte, meeresfrüchte, fisch, frischkäse.


    aperitif, mitessen am familientisch, mit freunden, picknick.
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