Primitivo Cantalupi 2021
    reference: 102290

    Conti Zecca

    Primitivo Cantalupi 2021

    Salento IGT
    7,94 € (Bruttopreis)
    Sofortige verfügbarkeit: 9 bottiglie

    Supple, powerful and fruity, a Primitivo wine in its most classic and beloved style.

    Format0,75 l
    StilTrinkt den fertigen
    Charakter besondereWein pop
    RebenPrimitivo 85%, andere Trauben 15%.

    Primitivo Cantalupi 2021

    Primitivo wine from Tenuta Cantalupo is a typically Apulian red made from Primitivo grapes vinified in steel and concrete vats. Primitivo is a much loved grape variety and widespread throughout Puglia and beyond, indeed it is also widespread outside Italy with different names, see California Zinfandel. Primitivo wines are liked for their deep color, for the captivating fruity flavors and for the powerful and smooth taste. Even Conti Zecca’s Primitivo Cantalupo reflects this paradigm: it is drunk with extreme ease and satisfaction, even alone. It comes from vineyards in the village of Salice Salentino from clayey soils tending to limestone. The vines are grown with the modern spurred cordon system and have a high planting density to favor quality over quantity.

    Alcoholic fermentation takes place in stainless steel vats at a controlled temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Maceration with the skins lasts 8 days. After racking, the wine also undergoes malolactic fermentation and finally it ages in concrete tanks for a few months before being bottled.


    Farbe: intensiv rubinrot.
    Duft: Pflaume, schwarze Kirsche, Maulbeere, ein Hauch von Gewürzen.
    Geschmack: warm, intensiv, weich mit einem fruchtigen Abgang.


    Er kann jederzeit mit oder ohne Essen genossen werden. Probieren Sie es mit Nudeln mit Wurstsauce.
    Recommended with: fleischvorspeisen.


    mitessen am familientisch, mit freunden, party.
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